Key Stage 1

Key Stage 1 consists of two-year groups: Year 1 (ages 5-6) and Year 2 (ages 6-7). The underlying aim is to further build on the foundations laid in EYFS and continue to provide a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment that encourages your child to become confident in their own abilities. Students are primarily taught by their classroom teacher but receive specialist teaching in Arabic language, Islamic Studies, Social Studies and PE.
In Key Stage 1, our students increasingly understand how they learn and begin to take ownership of their learning. The opportunities for social, emotional and language development of the children is a common theme within the school day during these two years. We have a specific focus on phonics, literacy and numeracy development during this key stage, in the knowledge that these are the cornerstones of future learning. Emphasis is placed on key partnerships with all stakeholders; our teachers work closely with parents to address the individual needs of the children thus contributing to the success of children.
Closely following the most recent initiatives from the UK, our heavily enriched, topic based approach to learning ensures that all students are motivated to learn. Our curriculum is designed to follow the National Curriculum of England, whilst linking outcomes and objectives to culturally relevant learning experiences in the context of the UAE
For more detailed information on our Primary Curriculum, please see the year group specific Curriculum Overviews in the folders below
Key Stage 2
Key Stage 2 covers Year 3 to Year 6 with students spanning the ages of 7 to 11. This key stage builds on the learning developed in Key Stage 1 and prepares students for a successful transition into secondary school. Students experience a broad, rich and challenging curriculum where their development will be characterised by an increasing level of independence alongside the acquisition of essential skills, knowledge and understanding.
In Key Stage 2 students develop the skills that support them in understanding how to learn and to take responsibility for their own learning. The cross-curricular topic based approach that students experience enables them to make connections across all subject areas. Students are provided with opportunities to extend their learning beyond the classroom and apply concepts that have been introduced to them, in a real-life, meaningful context. Emphasis is placed on our teachers working in partnership with parents to address the individual needs of each child. Rigorous assessment processes, differentiated teaching, a stimulating learning environment and excellent home school communication all help to contribute to the success of students in Key Stage 2. Students are predominantly taught by their classroom teacher but during the year receive specialist teaching in Arabic language, Islamic Studies, Social Studies and PE.
For more detailed information on our Primary Curriculum, please see the year group specific Curriculum Overviews in the folders below:

In the Primary department, assessment plays a key role in understanding our students’ achievements and allowing us to personalise our teaching to suit their needs. At the beginning of each academic year, all students undertake baseline assessments in the core subjects of English, Maths, Science and Arabic which allows us to identify the students current understanding. Students in Year 3 and above, also take part in the international benchmarking assessments CAT4 & ABT (Arabic Benchmarking Test).
We use a combination of assessments throughout the academic year to monitor students levels of attainment and progress this includes: end of topic testing, teacher judgment and end of term tests.
At the end of the academic year, students in year 3 and above take part in the GL Progress test series in English, Maths and Science.
We also assess and monitor students learning skills focusing particularly on our 5C’s: Critical Thinking, Communication, Curiosity, Collaboration and Creativity. These skills are developed in each lesson.