Al Rabeeh Academy is against bullying and any form of behaviour which causes pain or distress to another person.
The safety and wellness of our pupils, faculty, and staff is our number one priority at Al Rabeeh Academy. ARA does not tolerate bullying and is committed to providing all students with a supportive, friendly, safe, and positive environment, free from offensive behavioUr.
Students of Al Rabeeh Academy are expected to uphold standards of conduct, promote a civil community and help maintain a positive living and learning environment for all members of the school community.
We believe that all students have the right to live and be educated in a safe, caring, and supportive environment with mutual respect and courtesy. Bullying is anti-social behaviour that threatens the values, standards, and peace of the school, and it will not be tolerated.
- You have a right to be safe!
- Nobody has the right to make you unhappy!
- If you are being bullied or know that someone is being bullied tell someone.
- It is not your fault.
- Keeping quiet gives bullies power.
- By just telling someone you can take that power away.
- Bullies need help!
You have a right to feel safe and happy at Al Rabeeh Academy..
” Talk Talk Talk ” to:.
- DSL/ Mr. M. Awwad.
- Form tutor / Class teacher.
- Head of Year.
- Social Worker (Ms. Nuura & Ms. Rawdha).
- School nurse.
- A trusted adult or your parents.
All incidents will be treated seriously and appropriate action will be taken..
For help and support contact us at: safespace@alrabeehacademy.ae
Link to Anti-bullying Policy
Communication with Parents
Parents are always welcome to communicate with the school regarding their children’s education, well-being, and any other school-related matters.
To help parents with communication, please see the following chart:
Parents Relation Executive, You can contact Ms. Zeina and she will direct your request to the team member who can best serve you.
Ms. Zeina: pre@alrabeehacademy.ae
EYFS Leaders
- Executive Head of Early Years
Ms. Natalie: natalie.thwaits@alrabeehacademy.ae - Head of FS
Ms. Hannah: hannah.davis@alrabeehacademy.ae
Primary Leaders
- Head of Primary
Mr. Matt: headofprimary@alrabeehacademy.ae - Deputy Head of Primary
Ms. Melissa: melissa.day@alrabeehacademy.ae
Secondary Leaders
- Vice Principal
Mr. Mark: viceprincipal@alrabeehacademy.ae - Head of Secondary
Mr. Jason: jason.hirst@alrabeehacademy.ae - Deputy Head of Secondary
Mr. Simon: simon.dodd@alrabeehacademy.ae - Head of Protection, Care, and Wellbeing / Head of Boys
Mr. Mohammed: mohammed.awwad@alrabeehacademy.ae - Head of Girls
Ms. Lorinda: lorinda.visagie@alrabeehacademy.ae
Director of Sports
- Mr. Dan: dan.griffiths@alrabeehacademy.ae
Clinic team:
- Mr. Enrico: clinic.male@alrabeehacademy.ae
- Ms. Susan: clinic.female@alrabeehacademy.ae
Bus service:
- Ms. Mary: bus@alrabeehacademy.ae